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Summer Missionaries

These are reserved for members of partner churches. They are summer-long opportunities for those exploring ministry, entering college, and in between jobs. Missionaries stay with a member through the summer and are immersed in Gospel-centered, urban church ministry. Cost covers lodging and food while in Baltimore.

Interested? Please fill out this form and let us know!

Summer Missionary Application Form

Missions Trips

Mission trips are intentionally designed for small groups of members from partner churches. The visiting teams will assist The Garden Church in their work–primarily focusing on youth outreach. Teams generally stay with church members or hotels. Cost covers lodging and food while in Baltimore.

Cost: (varies)

Interested? Please fill out this form and let us know!

Missions Trip Interest and Application Form


As we limit missions teams to church partners, please first consider partnering. Come for a vision tour to find out more first hand.