Posts tagged baptism
Evangelism: Fruit Inspection

Welcome back to The Stoop Sessions where we have casual conversations about ministry on the Baltimore stoop. In each episode, Joel, Stephanie, and Eric talk through different topics and occasionally bring on a friend.

In this episode, the Stoop crew wraps up a conversation on evangelism on the topic of church confirmation. Practically speaking, what do we do when someone makes a profession of faith? We baptize. However, Baptism is not merely the decision of an individual (an individual can’t baptize herself), and it is not merely the decision of a pastor. Baptism is a congregational act of confirmation and union.

Join us as we consider the topic of baptism and church membership in our evangelism. Listen as the crew explains why they would be concerned if someone made a “profession of faith” but never joined a church. Learn how the Body of Christ is given as fruit inspectors for new believers, and how this helps our personal evangelism.

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Joseph Dicks Targets Discipleship

Listen to this conversation with Joseph Dicks, church planting catalyst for North American Mission Board in Washington DC,, on the necessity of discipleship and a holistic view. The gospel not just on Sunday mornings, but the framework for every aspect of your life. Joseph shares his experience of growing up in church, scared into baptism and knowing what to say “yes” to, but without the freedom that only saving grace can bring. He also talks about 1-on-1 discipleship, pursuing the gospel community, the presence of prejudices amongst diversity, and initiating new church works in unchurched areas.

This episode is part of our summer series: stoop conversations with friends.

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