Posts in Ministry
The Church's Evangelism

Welcome back to The Stoop Sessions where we have casual conversations about ministry on the Baltimore stoop. In each episode, Joel, Stephanie, and Eric talk through different topics and occasionally bring on a friend.

In the last two episodes, we’ve highlighted “personal evangelism”—the individual Christian’s role and work in taking the Gospel to the lost. This episode asks the question: How does the church together evangelize? For some, they have unfortunately disconnected their personal ministry from the broader community of the gathered saints. For us, it’s not an either/or but a both/and. While we evangelize personally, we also evangelize together.

In today’s episode, Joel and Stephanie talk about the church’s role. Because the church feels different or irrelevant to our friends, it’s often hard to imagine how this church can help me reach my friends. Yet, we forget the power of the Gospel through the testimony of God’s people. If we combine our efforts and work together, we can make a bigger impact. Stephanie and Joel talk about the importance of starting with who actually shows up to your church services; How membership interviews can turn into evangelistic opportunities; The importance of asking professing Christians for their understanding of the Gospel; and How to tell someone they’re not a Christian (in a winsome and Biblical way). The episode closes with a look back to the need for personal evangelism and why being part of an “evangelistic church” doesn’t mean that I am personally doing any work.

Joel Kurz serves as the pastor of The Garden Church and director of ONE HOPE. Stephanie Greer is a Gospel Worker funded through ONE HOPE serving with The Garden Church.

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P.J. Tibayan on Revitalizing Dying Churches

Welcome back to The Stoop Sessions where we have casual conversations about ministry on the Baltimore stoop. In each episode, Joel, Stephanie, and Eric talk through different topics and occasionally bring on a friend. Today, while Eric is unable to join, we visit a friend. Join Joel and Stephanie as they meet with P.J. Tibayan and discuss new life for dying churches. P.J. serves as pastor at Bethany Baptist Church in Bellflower, CA near Los Angelos.

As the conversation begins, P.J. shares his background and experience in church ministry. Listen as P.J. explains how he debated once debated R.C. Sproul on the meaning of John Piper’s book Desiring God; How his love for the local church led to an internship at Capital Hill Baptist Church with Mark Dever; and to Bethany Baptist Church as senior pastor. As P.J. arrived at Bethany, the church was dying and in need of revitalization. P.J. defines what it means to revitalize a church and why we shouldn’t just let dying churches die. He also shares his approach in discipling others along with practical and Biblical lessons on helping dying churches live. Listen and be encouraged to love those around you and help them grow in their love for Christ.

Joel Kurz serves as the pastor of The Garden Church and director of ONE HOPE. Stephanie Greer is a Gospel Worker funded through ONE HOPE serving with The Garden Church.

Learn more about ONE HOPE:

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The Arts and Jesus: The Story of Brian and Dawn Sessions

Brian and Dawn Sessions were both raised in Baltimore and in the church, but seeing the beauty of reconciliation through the gospel did not come immediately. God used their love of the arts to help them find their identity in Christ, and now they use the arts as an avenue through which they can share that same hope with youth in Baltimore. Their lives are not separate from their ministry, but shared through it, and their success is not an end-marker, but daily fulfilling the mission of sharing the gospel. Listen to the end to hear a preview of Brian's new song and check out our website for links to Brian and Dawn's ministries.

More Info on Brian and Dawn’s Work:

R.O.C. Enrichment:

Brian’s music: “Jesus Loves Me” By Brian Sessions on all digital streaming services

Grace Abounds Dance/Mentoring:

Isaac Adams Prays

Before he died, Jesus prayed for us. He prayed for our display of Christian unity. In a polarizing culture, even the church can find itself on opposite sides of a divide. In this episode, the Stoop squad calls up Isaac Adams, an associate pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist in D.C., to talks about unity and prayer. Prayer is as simple as it is powerful, but when it is lacking, we are led by our pride. Divisions flourish. What is Christian unity and how does prayer play a role? Listen in as we discuss concerning divisions. Be reminded of the vision for the church as be a powerful witness in the world. It begins with prayer.

Why Pray?

Why pray? For some Christians, prayer seems unnecessary. In some churches, prayer has become a mere transition between the songs and ceremonies of the service. In contrast, prayer should be our natural habitat, as water is to a fish. Is prayer absent in today’s church? Does prayer feel too holy, mystifying, boring, or awkward? In this episode, Joel, Eric, and Stephanie discuss public prayer, what holds us back from it, and why it’s vital for our spiritual well being and growth.

Battling Burnout

Burnout is not simply being tired, but a state of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual exhaustion. Burnout can stem from a wrong perspective, measuring worth in what we produce, and measuring ourselves against others. When our eyes are set on outward performance, our ego can work us like slaves. Eric, Joel, and Stephanie discuss the signs of approaching burnout, and how we can avoid or recover from it, even when our lives are “crazy busy”.

Dealing with Discouragement

Living in a fallen world, we will at times face discouragement, whether it’s personal, spiritual, or in ministry. Discouragement can stem from a false view of self and of Christ; the feeling of losing ground and losing patience. It can remain and derail us from our mission. Discouragement comes from looking to ourselves for the fix, not Him. In this episode, Stephanie, Eric, and Joel have a conversation on what is right and wrong about discouragement. Exploring Biblical examples and relating them to their work in the inner-city, the crew discusses dealing with their own discouragement through a Biblical lens.