Posts tagged inner city ministry
Thabiti Anyabwile: Authority of Scripture

Listen to this message from Thabiti Anyabwile at a previous ONE HOPE Conference in 2017. The ONE HOPE Conference focuses on applying theology to urban ministry. As we anticipate our next ONE HOPE Conference on March 5, 2022, here’s a gem from year’s past. In this episode, we present Thabiti’s message for your edification and enjoyment.

Join us for the ONE HOPE Conference: Faith Alone on March 5, 2022. Speakers include Shai Linne, Thabiti Anyabwile, Alejandro Molero, and Joel Kurz. Register at

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Is Addiction a Disease?

Is addiction a disease? If so, is it unloving to exercise church discipline for someone who is in unrepentant drug use? Are we lacking understanding and compassion? If addiction is not a disease, why does drug addiction feel so hopeless and consuming. In this episode, the Stoop crew talk addiction. Listen as Joel, Stephanie, and Eric work through these questions and more. The word “addiction” needs to be defined. As does the word “disease.” Sometimes, the very words we use are unhelpful and don’t communicate what is to be meant. Additionally, we have to understand the church’s role in the life of the sinner. What role does the church play in the life of a church member who has fallen back into drug addiction? Listen, shoot us an email, and share your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you.

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Women Who Whistle

Paul instructs Titus to train up the older women to instruct the younger women. In some church circles, the man’s role in the home and church is devalued through a lack of emphasis on the man. This is also seen in the context where men are often absent from the church and home. On the flip side, many churches, often in our own theological circles, have placed an emphasis on training men to the degree that women are overlooked and sometimes not even trained at all. Still others merely focus on determining what women should not do in the church. Theology is frequently watered down in women’s studies. Women may be overlooked for roles in ministry in which they may faithfully and Biblically serve. Jesus spent time with women, affirmed them, and the New Testament calls women to serve the church. This episode discusses the importance of having Godly women in the church. Additionally, as women are more likely to be affected by poverty and violence, this necessitates outreach that is empathetic to their past, as well as, current experiences. Listen as Stephanie, Joel, and Eric discuss training women for the work.

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Back to School (Part 2)

Private school? Christian school? Homeschool? We continue our discussion on schooling in the inner city. In our last episode, Joel and Eric made a case for why they have chosen to send their kids to Baltimore City Public Schools. In this episode, the Stoop crew calls a few friends who have taken a different approach. First, we chat with T.C. Taylor who also sends his kids to public school. Then we call up John Erickson and talk about Hope Academy, an affordable Christian school in inner city Minneapolis; Joe and Duncan Maye who started their own Christian school for neighborhood children in Winston-Salem, North Carolina; and Creston Thomas who, along with his wife Alina, homeschool their children in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. (Listen to part one for our chat on public school)

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How to Be Content

Can we ever be content? From childhood to adulthood, nothing is ever enough. We believe that we will be content if we receive. And then we receive, only to discover continued discontentment. Christians are not exempt from this problem. Pastors and ministry leaders can be driven by a lust for more. Church members are often discontent with the state of their church and the maturity of other members. Is there hope for contentment? In this episode, Eric, Joel, and Stephanie chat on the stoop, seeking contentment. Listen as the crew explores how to be content.

What is the Mission of the (Inner City) Church?

The church is weakened when its mission is unclear. Is the mission of the church simply to make disciples? Or is it also expanding or ushering in God’s kingdom? How does community transformation relate to our mission? Is it the church’s mission to paint every fence and feed every belly? If not, should the church do these things anyway? It is easy to confuse the church’s mission, and start acting as if we are God, instead of relying on God. In this episode, the Joel, Eric, and Stephanie discuss the primary mission of the church, as well as, the nuanced role it plays in the community. As the church makes disciples, disciples “love their neighbor.” And things change. Listen in and join the conversation!

Why Pray?

Why pray? For some Christians, prayer seems unnecessary. In some churches, prayer has become a mere transition between the songs and ceremonies of the service. In contrast, prayer should be our natural habitat, as water is to a fish. Is prayer absent in today’s church? Does prayer feel too holy, mystifying, boring, or awkward? In this episode, Joel, Eric, and Stephanie discuss public prayer, what holds us back from it, and why it’s vital for our spiritual well being and growth.

Dealing with Discouragement

Living in a fallen world, we will at times face discouragement, whether it’s personal, spiritual, or in ministry. Discouragement can stem from a false view of self and of Christ; the feeling of losing ground and losing patience. It can remain and derail us from our mission. Discouragement comes from looking to ourselves for the fix, not Him. In this episode, Stephanie, Eric, and Joel have a conversation on what is right and wrong about discouragement. Exploring Biblical examples and relating them to their work in the inner-city, the crew discusses dealing with their own discouragement through a Biblical lens.

Addiction: Slavery or Rebellion?

When the subject of addiction enters a conversation, it is easy to deflect and downplay its gravity. It is easy to dehumanize those caught in substance abuse, failing to recognize their worth; people made in the image of God. Addiction is both willful rebellion and simultaneously held in bondage to a substance. It devastates, not only the individual, but families and communities. Substances can alter the mind and mute suffering, but suffering plays an important purpose in our lives.

This episode seeks to define addiction and humanize the addict. It looks at the hard realties, necessary humility, and hope of a savior for the addict. Jesus knew the pain of living in a world broken by sin, and took on suffering greater than any of us face. Jesus is the only hope that offers an eternity free from the bondage of all sin.