Posts tagged christianity
Can Christians Have Wealth?

The love of money is not just a problem of the rich, it can also grip the poor and working class. Many who grew up with little desire much. And we get it. Poverty hurts. It’s not what we want for our kids. But how should we think of having and pursuing wealth?.

The stoop crew first defines wealth. On one hand, wealth is defined as having more than you need. In this sense, most every American is “wealthy” in comparison to other cultures. But a more popular definition is to have enough money so that “I don’t have to think about money.” People don’t like budgets because they don’t like restraints. The desire for wealth is to pursue enough in order to spend without constraint.

Can Christians have this kind of wealth? We usual, Joel, Stephane, and Eric take it to the Word. What does the Bible teach on having money? Listen as they read plenty of Scripture and discuss God’s view of wealth and the Christian.

This episode is part one of three as The Stoop Sessions considers the topic of wealth.

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Karen Ellis Sees MARGINALIZED Christians (Pt. 2)

In continuation of last week’s episode, director of the Edmiston Center in Atlanta, Karen Ellis, shares ways Christians are to be a completely different community to the world, belonging to a God who renders diverse people as the same by the blood of Christ. Stephanie, Eric, and Joel chat with Karen regarding her concerns for the current church in America. If it’s not about Christian nationalism, not about social justice, what is the church to be about? In a world hostile towards Christianity, Ellis discusses a need for the basics: how to pray under pressure for kingdom advance, moving forward on your knees; not your will, but His be done. Listen as Karen offers hope for a divided church in despair.

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Change the Community

Is seeing community change a good thing? Absolutely. Can “Change the Community” become a false gospel. Absolutely. While “Transform the Community” is a tag used by many non-profits, churches, and developers alike, is that the “good news” of the church? Is bettering the community be the mission of the church? Is a blighted, unchanged community a sign that the church is not loving their neighbors? How should Christians think of Gospel-centeredness and community transformation? Listen as this final episode on “false gospels” examines how a “Change the Community” false gospel can be stumbling block to truly reaching the community.