Posts tagged pastoring
What is the Mission of the (Inner City) Church?

The church is weakened when its mission is unclear. Is the mission of the church simply to make disciples? Or is it also expanding or ushering in God’s kingdom? How does community transformation relate to our mission? Is it the church’s mission to paint every fence and feed every belly? If not, should the church do these things anyway? It is easy to confuse the church’s mission, and start acting as if we are God, instead of relying on God. In this episode, the Joel, Eric, and Stephanie discuss the primary mission of the church, as well as, the nuanced role it plays in the community. As the church makes disciples, disciples “love their neighbor.” And things change. Listen in and join the conversation!

What is the Mission of the (Inner City) Church?
Lay Elders

In scripture, elders are addressed as a plurality, not as a role to be served by a single individual. Joel and Eric, both pastors at The Garden Church, share insight into the importance of having both paid and lay (unpaid) elders serving the inner city church. What does it look like for an elder to have full-time secular work, but still hold the same authority as the senior Pastor? Listen in as we discuss various challenges and dangers from the lack of a plurality of elders, to unchecked authority and the weight of ministry. God’s grace remains necessary in equipping all elders.

Lay Elders