Posts tagged drugs
Is Addiction a Disease?

Is addiction a disease? If so, is it unloving to exercise church discipline for someone who is in unrepentant drug use? Are we lacking understanding and compassion? If addiction is not a disease, why does drug addiction feel so hopeless and consuming. In this episode, the Stoop crew talk addiction. Listen as Joel, Stephanie, and Eric work through these questions and more. The word “addiction” needs to be defined. As does the word “disease.” Sometimes, the very words we use are unhelpful and don’t communicate what is to be meant. Additionally, we have to understand the church’s role in the life of the sinner. What role does the church play in the life of a church member who has fallen back into drug addiction? Listen, shoot us an email, and share your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you.

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Is Addiction a Disease?
From the Trap House to the Church

In this episode, Marla Walker, a member of The Garden Church and ONE HOPE intern, shares her story of addiction, shame, and feeling not good enough to go before God. Being introduced to alcohol at only 8 years old, Marla was put on a path to drug dependency and a series of recoveries and relapses. From trap houses to recovery houses, Marla’s life represents the cycle of so many. Yet, unlike many others, Marla has found forgiveness and healing in Christ. No depth and no transgression could hide her from the reach of God. Through the love of Christ and the church body, listen to how God has set Marla on a new path of reconciliation and redemption.

From the Trap House to the Church